Phan mem eye candy 7
Phan mem eye candy 7phan mem eye candy 7
  1. Phan mem eye candy 7 install#
  2. Phan mem eye candy 7 skin#

To get the best out of some of the filters, it's best to select an area you'd like to add the filter to. We found that when editing a picture using an inverse selection was the most appropriate time to use the Texture effects. The Textures are for backgrounds and while they look quite basic, they can be manipulated later to look more realistic. It's intelligent enough to only use edges that are the correct orientation, so you don't get fire pointing down. For example, if you choose the Fire effect, flames will appear to be coming out of the subject. The effects found in the Shape section will add to the selected area that you've already prepared in Photoshop before launching Eye Candy 7.

Phan mem eye candy 7 skin#

This is a new feature in version 7 that Alien Skin have introduced to make Eye Candy easier to use and more visually attractive. It's split into two sections: Shape and Texture. The large button at the top enters into the main effects menu table. On the left are the Effects you wish to apply to the picture you've loaded in. The entire window is split into three sections. The window is dark grey with an 18% grey central panel that the image sits in. The desktop works much the same as the other Alien Skin programs with a separate window opening. Then go to Filters, Alien Skin and select Eye Candy 7. To open Eye Candy 7, you must have a picture loaded into Photoshop. The program is then ready to use from Photoshop. After reading the lengthy terms and conditions, the actual installation lasts about 30 seconds.

Phan mem eye candy 7 install#

Once downloaded, you have to install the files. We downloaded the program from the Alien Skin Software website which took around 25 minutes for the 49Mb file. Installation and UseĮye Candy 7 comes with a free trial so you can try before you buy. In this new 7th edition, we'll be also taking a look at the new Lightning effect.Įye Candy 7 retails for $199. Eye Candy 7 is an Adobe Photoshop plug-in from Alien Skin Software that creates effects and textures such as Fire, Chrome, Animal fur, Smoke and Reptile skin.

Phan mem eye candy 7